Ash-Matic Does Domestic Discord
Uh oh. I’m in trouble. Miss-Matic has guests. And when Miss-Matic has guests, the laws of chaos seem to inexplicably change. Normally, when I walk into a someone’s home and see an unwashed mug,...
Website of A. Ashley Straker / Ashmatica
Uh oh. I’m in trouble. Miss-Matic has guests. And when Miss-Matic has guests, the laws of chaos seem to inexplicably change. Normally, when I walk into a someone’s home and see an unwashed mug,...
I like cats, but my affection for these aloof felines sometimes comes with negative consequences – and therefore I don’t always like that affection. For instance, as much as I love getting cat on...
I don’t like things. I’m a grumpy person, and so, I like not liking things. I get a sense of familiar reassurance when there is something I don’t like, a sense that everything is...
I don’t like spiders. Nobody likes spiders. Let’s not kid outselves about this. Nobody. Those freaks who keep tarantulas in tanks? They don’t like spiders. They just want to know where that bastard is...
Okay, okay. I suppose that is a somewhat misleading title. Of course I’m not exercising. Don’t be silly. I’m in bed, drinking coffee. Maybe I should have called this post: Ash-Matic Thinks About Doing...
I’m a child of science-fiction. It was my father’s fault. Him and his bookshelves full of Asimov and Clarke and Wyndham and Wells, and to this day I still look forward to the myriad...
Did I ever mention how prominently my ability to procrastinate features on my list of talents? It’s pretty high. Or it would be, if I’d gotten around to making that list. Right now, right...
Some people like going to the dentist. I imagine these people call themselves dentistophiles. They’re the kind of person who likes hands in their mouth, and being told to open wider seventeen times consecutively....
Last night I watched a 2010 film called Buried. This is a Ryan Reynolds vehicle, only one without wheels. It’s more like a box, with Ryan Reynolds in it. I once took a course...
I have a couple of webmail accounts. There’s the one I use for Important Stuff, like applying for visas, clawing back erroneously paid tax, and saving lives – and the one I use for...